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Friday, July 21, 2006

Top three questions and answers*

1. (Tie) When are you due? October 3
1. (Tie) Do you know what you are having? A girl, very exciting.
2. Are you giving birth at CPMC (California Pacific Medical Center)? A: NO and please don't judge me for it.
3. When are you leaving work on your maternity leave? A: Technically it is disability leave, and I don't know.

These questions don't bother me except for #2. First of all, why is that such a popular question? It comes off as very snotty - smacks of the idea that if you live in SF but don't give birth at CPMC your child is already behind. Or you don't love her enough. Like now I might as well just send her off to the Ecuadorian prison.

Apologies to those who have asked with my interests at heart.

*I know this is actually 4 questions given the tie.


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