Update: I Still Miss My Mom (and Dad Too)

So, I have been a mom for over eight weeks now and in some ways I feel like a little kid because I miss my own mom. I guess it was having the help, having someone around who unabashedly loves Jillian, and someone to lean on in the rough times. I get pretty lonely.
For the record, I miss my dad as well. He is a totally baby hog; the first to jump up to hold her when she is crying or I need a break. Apparently, he is very experienced in the care of crying babies - rumor has it I wasn't the most calm child.
I really like seeing my parents with Jillian, which probably adds to the whole missing them thing. Not to be sappy, but it is a special love that grandparents have for a new baby.
Anyway, I debated putting a picture of my parents and Jillian up, as I have avoided pictures of people other than myself and those with no say in the matter (i.e. Jillian), but figured it would be ok. So here are the proud grandparents.
And, I should note that it is 11:30 p.m. and Jillian has been asleep for about 2.5 hours. In a cruel twist of fate, I cannot fall asleep, even though I know I have to be up at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. Perhaps the universe is playing a trick on me, although I would think that the universe would have run out of tricks at this point.
Maybe there is a re-run of this week's Real World: Denver on. The sheer stupidity of the show should put me to sleep or at least numb my brain.
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