Happy Holidays!

Today we went to a mom's group, which was an interesting experience. It was good to get out and meet other moms and babies, but when it came time to sing I balked - despite being given a song sheet to help me along. I felt stupid, but I saw how much the babies enjoyed it and I gave in. After all, the wheels on the bus actually do go round and round and the itsy bitsy spider could have feasibly crawled up the water spout - although I think he would have given up after a few tries instead of going at it again after the sun dried up all the rain. I guess I doubt the spider's fortitude.
Hehe, I would pay to see pictures of you doing the itsy-bitsy spider, Mu-Galto. :)
There will never be such a photo...I am a closet eager mom :)
the secret is out... she is fucking cute. babies rock.
(um, this is jen--just so you don't think I'm a random baby ogler.)
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