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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Odd Topic

So, because I watch a lot of daytime television (although I have been very good about getting out of the house for part of the day), I see many commercials for which I am not the target audience. I see some that I am, although it took me a while to realize that now the makers of Luv's diapers are gunning for me. That whole "I am a mom" thing still feels foreign.

Anyway, I digress. One of the more popular items in daytime advertising are electric scooters for those with limited mobility. A few observations:

- Tom Kruse (pronounced Tom Cruise) invented the Hover-around chair. I crack up everytime I hear him say, "Hi I'm Tom Kruse, inventor of the Hover-around." L. Ron Hubbard may be against anti-depressants, but must be for electric scooters.
- You can also get your chair from the Scooter Store, but Tom Kruse is not involved. They don't use the inventor in their commercial, just a VP with a non-celebrity name.
- What happened to the Rascal? That is the chair I remember from daytime televisions days of old. The commercials involved young folks doing things like going to the mall or playing little league and wishing that their grandparents were there. Suddenly you would hear "beep beep" and the missing grandparents would roll up on their Rascal to everyone's delight.

And now for someone with limited mobility, but no electric scooter - here is a picture of Jillian on a baby surf board showing off what she can do.

I promise to lay off the day time television based posts from now on. Or at least promise to try.


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