October 8, 2006

Here she is Jillian Abigail Walworth...arrived October 8, 2006 at 4:39am. She weighed in at 9lbs 3oz and was 21 inches long. She is a very porportional baby.
After a few hours of contractions that felt like "active labor" we called the hospital to come in. There was no room at the inn and they wanted us to go to a facility in Redwood City (a drive on the highway away). Luckily we got past a mean nurse to talk to a doctor and convinced her to let us come to the SF hospital. About an hour an a half after getting there and with 20 minutes of pushing, I had the baby. While we got there in time to have the baby, we were not in time for any pain meds. Oh well, better then having the baby on the way to Redwood City.
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