Dipping my pinky toe into the world of coffee addiction then diving in head first

I have never been a coffee drinker. I like the smell of coffee, I like going to coffee shops, eating coffee ice cream, but have never craved a cup of joe or drank it on even a semi-regular basis.
Until now.
I started having peppermint mochas during the holiday season. This went on for a few years, but I would always revert to my general indifference towards coffee. This year, I can't quit. I stopped the peppermint mochas in favor of vanilla lattes, then I dropped the vanilla and found myself happy with just a latte. I was working my way towards the coffee bean in a purer form. Now, I just get coffee. Gone are the flavor distractions, the fancy foams and various garnishes. I have been effectively weaned off the flavors that were previously necessary for me to be interested in coffee/espresso drinks.
Now there is no point in disguising what I am really after - the coffee itself. My full transformation into a coffee drinker is complete. And I realized today that this transformation will actually save me $$. A cup of coffee is about 1/3 the cost of a vanilla latte. Now Jillian can go to college.
And yes, I did write this second post today to temper the seriousness of the last post and take my mind off of things.
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