I'm Not Gonna Lie - I am sad today

For some reason, today has been a sad day for me. I had trouble sleeping last night and caught an episode of Law & Order at 5:30 a.m. after waking up from a bad dream. It is in those moments that things seem to suck the most. And in the shower, because that is where I let myself cry each day.
Sometimes I am desperate to feel better. I think that is how I feel right now, that is why I am writing. Like in some pathetic way, someone will read this and share a magic way for me to stop feeling sad. Or maybe Oprah's staff will read it and invite me for a day of pampering and a make-over or something.* My family and friends have been absolutely awesome, don't get me wrong. I don't know where I would be without them.
But I am still waiting for that day that I don't cry in the shower.
*These feelings are not coming from a place of self-pity. Plus, I know that there are people more deserving of a treat courtesy of the big O. I think I may treat myself to the make-over as a fresh start anyway. If anyone has thoughts on new hair styles, please do share....or I may shave my head like fellow divorcee, Britney Spears.
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