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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

No Warp Zones

Does anyone remember how on the old school Nintendo game Super Mario Bros., you could take warp zones to jump from world 3 to 6 or something? They were basically green pill bottles you could go down and pop up in a world alittle closer to the princess. Warp zones made it easier to beat the game.

After saving the princess using the warp zones, I remember trying to do it without using them. That is, go through the entire game, worlds one through ten, to get to the end. It made it more of a challenge.

Well, I have decided that taking the PA bar with almost no studying is like choosing to not use warp zones. I have passed bars in the past, arguably harder bars, by studying. Studying is the warp zone. Now I am going to test my skillz by choosing not to study. I am not going down that little green pill bottle.

Unfortunately, failing the bar has more severe consequences than failing to save the two dimensional princess in Super Mario Bros. Oh well.


At 10:24 PM, Blogger Megan Dempsey said...

Dude, I never was a Nintendo fan, but I can tell you for sure that warp zone or not, you are going to pass the bar! You might not ace it, but all you need to do is pass and you'll be fine.


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