Jedediah's Impotent Rage

On the plane, we saw "A Night at the Museum." In it, Owen Wilson plays a mini cowboy (Jedediah) and at one point tries to shoot Ben Stiller with his toy guns. As the guns are fake, and Owen is mini, nothing happens to Ben Stiller. Seeing this, Owen shouts something like "ahhh! Jedediah's impotent rage!!!"
What is the point of this tale? Well, I have started an anonymous blog; one that won't be censored by people who read this blog. Of course, to stay anonymous, I won't share the link here. Thus, my other blog will be a place for me to shoot my toy guys in futility, express my impotent rage.
I share that information just to let you all know that my need to write about the details of my life will be met. In a way that is me shouting into the vacuum that is the blog-o-sphere.
I wouldn't mind if Owen Wilson wanted to shoot his toy guns at me.
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