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Blog of random stuff named after message on paper toliet seat covers.

Friday, April 20, 2007

And that's when my drinking problem started...

Don't worry everyone, that is just water in the glass. Jillian is super interested in cups and utensils. So I let her play with cups (while I hold them). I figure it is better then letting her play with knives.

Thanks to all who joined us for brunch last weekend (where this picture was taken) - three McC's, J, M and Uncle Nikkon (who gets the photo credit). Jillian enjoys a good brunch.

And a shout out to my Alabama friends (some of whom roll into town tomorrow!), who used the title of this post once as a caption to a picture of another cute baby. Don't want to steal your thunder.


At 4:40 PM, Blogger Megan Dempsey said...

I love how happy she looks to be touching that glass!!! I can't wait to see baby J in six weeks. I promise to play with cups, utensils and whatever else she wants!


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