This is one of my favorite Jillian shirts. Because she is clearly labeled as a baby girl. Just in case there was any confusion. I guess there could easily be some confusion about her gender (which is ok on all fronts) but not that she is a baby. She is obviously a baby.
Cutest baby ever and somehow she just keeps getting cuter. Like she is stealing the title from herself.
hope it hasn't been too painful of an introduction back to work. so far, my job sucks. but, it is so cool to come home to a cute, sweet dog, so having the cutest baby ever to come home to must be all that much better (sorry to compare jillian to my dog!)
Sometimes I forget how amazingly cute Jillian is and so I get excited all over again when I see pictures of her online. I love how pudgy her legs look in those striped leggings!
She is pretty stinking cute. And it is great to come home to someone so cute and so glad to see you. Let's be honest, that hasn't been the case for me in a while.
Work is ok. I am having trouble concentrating, etc. Having to leave at 5pm every day is a relief. I would like to make some friends here.
she is obviously the BEST baby. she is the spokesbaby for baby girls.
I'm glad you added that it would be okay if her gender wasn't clear. otherwise, i'd have to bring my phalometer on my visit
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