Mission: Impossible

The mission I have apparently already chosen to accept is as follows:
- find out devastating news at 35 weeks pregnant
- have a 9 lb. 3 oz. baby in about 20 minutes and then proceed to loose all your blood, spend days in the hospital with morphine drip.
- be a new mom, constantly pop pain killers, run out of pain killers. Cry.
- be a new mom who is getting divorced, deal with being unloved at a vulnerable time.
- travel to four cities in ten days for the holidays.
- prep house to be sold, sell house.
- do not study for bar exam, take bar exam
- find out more devastating news, think that might be your breaking point.
- learn that certain folks find you "aloof and rude."
- organize move cross country
- locate apartment in Philadelphia
- fly with baby, two cats, two suitcases, and pack and play to Philly.
- start work full time at large law firm and try to be "normal."
Is it too late to decline this mission? I should have just let the message self-destruct and take me with it.
Indeed, it's much more impossible misison than Tom Cruise ever got. :( I know you will defeat the bad guys and save the world in the end, though, M.
M, you have already saved J's world and created a happy, cozy nest for her, with an amazing nanny and loving grandparents and a laid-back, adoring mom. Even though it's been a mission impossible from the start, you've already succeeded in big ways that you might not even notice.
Not to mention, nursing your best friend through her divorce which ironically is now concurrent with yours.
And, getting multiple write-ups in your company newsletter even thought you had to go through work sick, pregnant and miserable for much of the time. I dismiss your motion for blowing up.
And, you will fall in love again. Without intentionally doing so, you've already drastically improved your odds by moving to a city full of straight men.
And, hard as it is now, it is probably not as hard as some of the times you have already been through. At least emotionally.
And, no matter what, you have the option to go three days a week. Which is still a valid option and can be implemented at any time.
And, miserable as you feel right now, you will come out tougher for what you've been through. Sad as it is (and believe me, I relate!) it is now a part of who you are and your resilience in your life is inspirational to all.
-Impressed your law firm enough for them to write you up and arrange your transfer to the Philly office. Even while puking in the Seattle airport.
-Gotten yourself, baby, cats, luggage and pack and play to Philly. All the way across country. Into a lovely new apartment that YOU found and decided to take. And have made a cozy home in the short time you've been there.
And, located a perfect nanny who adores your child. Something that takes many people months to do!
And been a friend to me throughout in my times of need.
Hard as it is, you are an inspiration and a shining example. And 2007 will be a better, happier year for you. I promise.
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