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Monday, April 09, 2007

My Horoscope: let go and move on

Today my horoscope read as follows:

To others you have appeared lately to be like a swan gliding through life. No one would guess at the frantic activity that has been occurring underneath the surface of your life. Now you can afford to stop paddling and go with the flow. Today you can ride a current and trust that it is taking you in the right direction. Despite your fears and uncertainty about the future you are being taken care of. More faith and less agitation promise to leave you feeling as serene as you look.

I don't agree with the whole "swan" analogy or that I have looked serene lately, but this horoscope gave me some cheer today. Maybe I am actually fooling the general public into thinking all is well and maybe I am on the path to happiness. And this blurb was kinda freaky in its applicability. (The source is for those who are curious).

So I am going to run with this. I want things to be ok, so I am going to start acting like they will be. I am going to have faith that the future holds something good for me and I am going to accept things for what they are right now - difficult but temporary.

In the spirit of moving on, here is the story so that I can get it off my chest and stop dancing around it. He cheated on me. He did so for most of my pregnancy. I found out when I was eight months pregnant. He is already in a new relationship and has been for awhile (not with the same person he cheated with), which makes it hard for me. So that is what I have been dealing with. I had previously not mentioned this in an attempt to "keep it in the family" and because he asked me not to. But honestly, I can't keep putting him first and it feels good just to say it, put it out there without commentary, and move on. Perhaps putting my intention to step away from this awfulness down in writing will force me to fulfill it.

Now I intend to keep this blog happier and to be less of a Debbie Downer. Thanks to those who have been there for me. It has always made me feel better to know that I have such great people in my life.


At 1:18 PM, Blogger TA said...

Your story could win awards for suckiness (not your storytelling, I mean the substance of the story itself), but I think your assessment that the suckiness will be temporary is right on.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Megan Dempsey said...

Debbie Downer is OK as long as you don't break her out too much. You will persevere and become an even stronger, kinder, more generous and empathetic person as a result of everything you've been through.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger mu-galto said...

thanks guys - I count you both in those I appreciate throughout all of this!


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