
Ok, so in some of my posts I may have mislead you about some things. Now I am coming clean...
First, I use the CoffeeMate at work. I know I said it freaks me out, but I tried it and I like it. Plus, my only other option there is creamer and I just don't find the pros of creamer to outweigh its cons. Anyway, I use the CoffeeMate, just thought I should be upfront about it.
Second, I said I wanted to go on a date. I don't think I actually do. I went out last night with my good friend L and some guys did the whole "do I know you from somewhere" bit.* And they were perfectly nice but I just didn't want to deal with it. I want an old relationship, someone I can watch an on demand movie with while baby J sleeps. Someone I feel comfortable with. Someone who is ok with my post-pregnancy self. Someone who loves me already. I want the little family that I thought I would have when we decided to start a family. So I take back the previously outlined goal of wanting to go on a date. I think I will just try to enjoy being by myself for awhile. I reserve the right to change my mind on this one.
Third, when Jillian is not staying with me, like tonight, I am pretty sad. I miss her.
*one guy also asked if I was Jewish. I thought this was very unusual, as I have never been mistaken for one of the Chosen People before. I mean I am half Irish, half Italian and all Catholic (at least raised that way, haven't spent that much time in church lately). And I look it. It didn't seem to deter him, but it was weird. Could I have asked him if he is an adulterer? If so, that would have been a deal breaker for me.
Um. That is OK about the Coffee Mate. If you decide to start actually practicing your faith and going to confession, I would think it is not worth the priest's time to share that one.
You will want to go on a date again. I swear. You will just take a little while to get into your groove, and the good news is, that is 100% OK.
It is also highly positive to learn to be happy by yourself. Because happiness with yourself will translate into a healthier, happier relationship whenever you do have a new one.
This is all so Oprah.
hey--there are a bunch of red headed jews out there. my old high school science teacher would swear it had something to do with the vikings sweeping through russia, which i always found amusing. jewish vikings.
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