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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Pop Culture Musings of the Day

Last night, while trying to convince Jillian to go to sleep, I stupidly decided to watch "The Real World: Denver" on MTV. In this episode, the roommates had lived together for 36 hours. In that time, one female cast member "made-out" with a male cast member, and another female cast member "accidentally" slept with the same male cast member. When female #2 came clean to female #1, she said that she loved female #1 and female #2 responded that she loved #2 more. All this through tears. Then #2 stated that #1 would be in her wedding. This conversation had an earnest quality that my mocking tone does not convey.

Anyway, what the hell? How do these girls love each other after only 36 hours and swapping spit and other bodily fluids with the same guy? Are most friendships this tenuous and lame? Can they really be this close? The answer to this is simple: I should not be watching this crap. I mean, come on, I am a MOM for godsake.

But I should point out that I was able to use my new knowledge of EMO to understand the inner workings of the brain trust that is the cast of the Real World: Denver. The male cast member referred to one of his drunk alter-egos as "Mr. Emo." He described Mr. Emo as a guy who gets drunk and professes his affection for girls while using them for sex. Needless to say, this creates a situation where the girl thinks he likes her, but in reality he doesn't want to see her again unless she is nekkid. Damn that Mr. Emo. But at least I understood what he was getting at by using the term EMO. Not that the situation needed much explaining.

Now I am watching "Wall Street." I haven't seen it in quite some time. Dr. Cox from Scrubs is in it. Awesome. Other random sighting of an actor from a sitcom I enjoy: Buster from Arrested Development appeared both on Dawson's Creek (as a doctor) and Sex and the City (as a photographer's assistant). He is best as Buster. Worst in Sex and the City because that show sucks.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Philadelphia Freedom

In the spring, I will be returning to the land of cheesesteaks, losing professional sports teams, and fighting Quakers. Yup, I am off to Philly. While SF has been good and I am leaving behind great friends and one sister, recent developments have pushed up a move that probably was inevitable.

As the countdown to the big move begins, here is a shot of me and Jillian in front of an SF landmark.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


What is this word? EMO? I don't get it. I have run into it in many of my pop culture indulgences (see e.g. "The O.C." season three, Marissa refers to Seth as Summer's "EMO boyfriend") and heard young-ins mention it (i.e. "EMO rock"). Is is short for emotional? Does it carry a negative connotation? In the above examples, the context clues seem to indicate that it is not a positive descriptive term.

Am I totally out of it? Too old to get it? Should it be in all caps? Not sure why I wrote it that way.

I am going to have to look into this - i.e. google it. In the meantime, here is a picture of Jillian disguised as a pink burrito. Try not to get too EMO while looking at it.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sometimes, Maternity Leave = Yawn

This picture says it all. While spending time with your five week old daughter is great, it can be boring at times. I hit a low point when I realized that I would rock the Price is Right, just because I have watched enough to know all the prices of all the products and prizes. Perhaps I should take a trip and try to get on before Bob Barker retires? What should my decidedly unwitty and lame t-shirt say?

So Jillian and I made a pact today to get out and do more. Take more walks, start our holiday shopping, maybe even go out to lunch. This is a risky pact, as it involves public feedings and dicey diaper changes, but together we can make it happen.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Big pants, little baby

'nuff said.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

For British Eyes Only....

For those of you who are familiar with Arrested Development (which, unlike Sex and the City, is a great show) you may remember Charlize Theron's character of Rita. She always dressed really wacky. This is Jillian dressed in a similar style. Needless to say, I did not dress her on this day.