Hedgehogs are pretty popular these days. They are cute, some are magnetic and hold paper clips (see
http://trilogyofstupidity.blogspot.com/2007/02/hedgehogs-and-other-distractions.html), and this one is rapidly becoming J's favorite toy. Thus, he merits three, yes three pictures.
This little guy has been lost twice on the airplane. Once we had to put out an APB on the hedgehog. All flight attendants were on put on alert. He couldn't have gone far (or at least couldn't have gotten off the plane at 37,000 feet) and we eventually found him. The second time, Jillian took it upon herself to fling him across the cabin. We were sitting in first class* and the business man it hit didn't take to kindly to a slobbery hedgehog landing on his WSJ. I wanted to tell that jerk that I didn't pay for my ticket just the same as him so he could suck it (I am convinced that no one actually pays for first class - it is all people whose clients are paying, reward travel, or upgrades). But I held my tongue and encouraged more hedgehog tossing by Jillian. Anyway, we got the little guy back.
Today, Jillian's grandma lost the hedgehog. We immediately sought to find a replacement. Luckily there was one left at babies r us. After all of this we found Hedgehog, the original. So we have two little guys and that is probably a good thing.
Alright, enough rambling about hedgehogs.
*Two places where people don't fawn over Jillian are first class and Neiman Marcus in Garden State Plaza. I guess when you are important enough to be either place, you are above acknowledging my cute baby.